So I guess it's time to post something new, isn't it?
Life is going really great right now. I'm starting a new job a week from tomorrow and I couldn't be happier. My job at HOPEReach just wasn't working out. The hours were very unreliable. If a client cancelled, I didn't get paid. Sometimes I drove all the way to the clients house and they weren't there. That's gas that I just wasted because the client didn't call and tell us that they were canceling. I could go on and on, but I won't bore you with that. I love love love the company and all the people I work with. They are doing such a great job with everything. God is truly blessing this company.
My new job is with CVS Pharmacy. I am going to be a pharmacy technician. They are going to train me and everything. My boss is my good friend Jennifer so that's a plus. She also makes the schedules. :) I am going to be getting more hours working with CVS so that makes me very happy. With all of the bills and stuff I have to pay, I need the money! Hopefully I can save up enough money so I can go back to school to teach. We'll just have to see what God has in store for me.
On Wednesday I am leaving to go to Orlando with my best friend Amanda, her sister Jennifer (my new boss), and Jennifer's husband Chad. I am so excited! We're going to Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and possibly SeaWorld. Yay!!!! We're staying at a very nice resort and I don't have to pay for the room(s) because Jennifer won it through a timeshare. Our suite is a 3 bedroom townhouse, I think. I get my own room! I will take a lot of pictures and hopefully will post some in a blog. You know how reliable I am with my posting. :) I also get to see my best friend Lauren while I'm in Florida. This makes me very happy! I miss her!
Well I think that's all the news I have for now. Please pray that we have safe travel and keep me in mind as I start my new job.
By His Grace.
My life has had so many ups and downs that I've had to learn that I never know what's going to happen. Things are unknown, but the only thing I am certain about is the fact that my Jesus died for me and that through all of the obstacles I will face, He will help me prevail. Unknown Certainty.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Part of my heart is now in Alabama
My little brother is now a college freshman. I took Thursday off of work and my family drove to Birmingham, Alabama on Wednesday night so that we could be at his school at 8 am to move him in. The people were so helpful there during the whole move-in process. We didn't have to lift a box. David had been told to put labels with his name on all of his boxes and some students and volunteers got his stuff out of our cars and put it in a pile in front of his building. When he was ready to go up to his room they carried it up there for him! It was great! Anderson really should take a few pointers from Samford. His room is really small, but it looks quaint. The ceiling is slanted due to being on the 4th floor and because it's part of a dormer window. I think he's going to like it, but I miss him like crazy even though he hasn't been gone long. He's not only my little brother, he's become my best friend and now he's 5.5 hours away. I will survive. It's just hard. His classes start Monday so pray for him... and me too.

This picture was taken the first or second time we visited Samford University. I was 18 and David was 13. I think we were there for my cousin's wedding. The statue is of Mr. Beeson. He gave a lot of money to the school.

This is the first picture David and I ever took together. This was in the hospital after he was born.
By His Grace.

This picture was taken the first or second time we visited Samford University. I was 18 and David was 13. I think we were there for my cousin's wedding. The statue is of Mr. Beeson. He gave a lot of money to the school.

This is the first picture David and I ever took together. This was in the hospital after he was born.
By His Grace.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
"This is a lot like chess, you just have to be patient."
So sorry I haven't updated in months. I am currently sitting in the arcade at the hotel/convention center we're staying at on our family vacation in Myrtle Beach. This is one of the only places that has wireless internet. I love to stay at this place, but come on, update your facility. Motel 8 even has wireless internet in the rooms. You might be wondering why I am sitting in the arcade on my Macbook while I'm on vacation... well it's raining. It's been raining all day. We went to see the movie Wall E this afternoon and it did stop raining during the movie, but it's so wet outside, it wouldn't be good to walk on the beach. So for the past hour I've been sitting in the arcade watching children play pool with their grandparents. Some common phrases have been "Watch out where you point that stick," "Don't pick up the ball and move it," "This is a lot like chess, you just have to be patient." It has been interesting to say the least. I just hope it's sunny tomorrow so that I can go lay out on the beach!
I guess I need to update you on what has been going on in my life. I started a new job on May 1. I'm an ABA therapist that works with children with Autism. I love it! I work with some of the greatest, most inspiring children ever. They make me enjoy life a little more each day that I am able to work with them.
My brother is leaving in about a week to go to college at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. This saddens me a lot, but I know he'll do great there. This will just give me and my friends another reason to take roadtrips to 'Bama. He's going to major in religion with an emphasis in congregational studies... aka he pretty much wants to be a preacher.
My beautiful goddaughter Brianna turned one on August 6, a day after I turned the ripe 'ol age of 24. She just took her first step last night. It's so exciting watching her grow up. Yeah, I'm 24. Kinda makes me feel like I'm getting old. Next year my car insurance will go down and I'll be halfway to 50... halfway to 50. That's scary.
Well my brother is wanting me to finish this up so we can go get some food. I'll try to update soon with some pictures from Brianna's 1st birthday party. I'm not making any promises though.
By His Grace.
I guess I need to update you on what has been going on in my life. I started a new job on May 1. I'm an ABA therapist that works with children with Autism. I love it! I work with some of the greatest, most inspiring children ever. They make me enjoy life a little more each day that I am able to work with them.
My brother is leaving in about a week to go to college at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. This saddens me a lot, but I know he'll do great there. This will just give me and my friends another reason to take roadtrips to 'Bama. He's going to major in religion with an emphasis in congregational studies... aka he pretty much wants to be a preacher.
My beautiful goddaughter Brianna turned one on August 6, a day after I turned the ripe 'ol age of 24. She just took her first step last night. It's so exciting watching her grow up. Yeah, I'm 24. Kinda makes me feel like I'm getting old. Next year my car insurance will go down and I'll be halfway to 50... halfway to 50. That's scary.
Well my brother is wanting me to finish this up so we can go get some food. I'll try to update soon with some pictures from Brianna's 1st birthday party. I'm not making any promises though.
By His Grace.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Following God's Will
Trying to figure out God's will for your life and following it can sometimes be hard to do. As most of you know I'm currently in the process of looking for a new job since my company is closing and my last day at CCM is April 30th. I have been offered a new job (YAY!) and it's something I've always wanted to do. I'm going to be a therapist that works with autistic children. I guess I feel like God is calling me to work with children, but is it just me or do you ever second guess what you think God is trying to tell you? I wish I was given a huge sign that said "This is the job for you." Just put a big piece of poster board in front of my face and let me know what's going on. I'm so happy I got this job and I do truly feel like this is what I'm being called to do. I know I just need to pray more for direction and guidance, but sometimes things are just so confusing.
My other problem is this new company wants me to start sooner than later. If I stay at CCM til April 30th, I'll receive this huge severance package. Starting out at this new job will be a pay cut for the first few months so I feel as if I need this severance package. I just hope I can get the new company to let me start on May 1st. I just need a lot of prayer. I hate confrontation especially when it concerns a job.
On a totally random note, I never knew how much I would enjoy the Harry Potter books. I'm currently over halfway through the 4th book- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I listen to them on Itures while I work (someone I work with has all of them on their Itunes library). I'm just so into them it's funny. I can't wait to get through all of them.
I'll keep you posted on what happens with the new job.
By His Grace
My other problem is this new company wants me to start sooner than later. If I stay at CCM til April 30th, I'll receive this huge severance package. Starting out at this new job will be a pay cut for the first few months so I feel as if I need this severance package. I just hope I can get the new company to let me start on May 1st. I just need a lot of prayer. I hate confrontation especially when it concerns a job.
On a totally random note, I never knew how much I would enjoy the Harry Potter books. I'm currently over halfway through the 4th book- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I listen to them on Itures while I work (someone I work with has all of them on their Itunes library). I'm just so into them it's funny. I can't wait to get through all of them.
I'll keep you posted on what happens with the new job.
By His Grace
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Just Another Rainy Saturday
Today has been a lazy, rainy Saturday. Luckily, I didn't have to work but I'm supposedly going to be working the next 2 Saturdays. Today I've washed clothes and I cleaned the kitchen. I hate washing clothes. I just dread it especially when I have to wash everyones in my house. Oh well... it's a job I have to do.
On a super exciting note, I've practically been offered a job. I'll be an ABA Therapist for a non-profit company. I'll be working with autistic children and other children with similar needs. I'm so happy! This is exactly what I want to do and what I feel God is calling me to do. The pay is pretty good too. I'm just hoping they'll let me start on May 1. My job at CCM is over on April 30th. I also found out yesterday that I am going to be getting a severance package when I leave on April 30th. That's 2 months of pay that I don't have to work for! Things are just falling into place and I couldn't be happier. I'll keep you up to date.
By His Grace.
On a super exciting note, I've practically been offered a job. I'll be an ABA Therapist for a non-profit company. I'll be working with autistic children and other children with similar needs. I'm so happy! This is exactly what I want to do and what I feel God is calling me to do. The pay is pretty good too. I'm just hoping they'll let me start on May 1. My job at CCM is over on April 30th. I also found out yesterday that I am going to be getting a severance package when I leave on April 30th. That's 2 months of pay that I don't have to work for! Things are just falling into place and I couldn't be happier. I'll keep you up to date.
By His Grace.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Thursday Thirteen!

13 Odd/Interesting Facts about Me
1. I've broken my arms 4 times— the right 3 times, the left 1. I was 5, 9, 10, and 11. The second break was the worst. They were all freak accidents.
2. I weighed 2lbs 13 ozs when I was born. I was 2 months early and stayed in the hospital for 27 days. Right after I was born, I was transported to Spartanburg Regional because they had a neonatal unit. My momma stayed at Mary Black and didn't get to see me for 3 days.
3. On my second day of kindergarten I was playing follow the leader with the 2 other Elizabeths in my class. I got hit in the head with this huge tractor tire swing. I was knocked out and had to get 8 or so stitches above my right eye. My best friend Amanda was pushing the tire swing. I still pick on her about that to this day.
4. When I was a senior in high school the yearbook class named me most likely to be a yearbook advisor. Truthfully, I'd love to be one, but I'd only want to teach that and nothing else.
5. I'm a packrat. I save all sorts of stuff. Letters, wedding programs, you name it, I probably save it.
6. I fall asleep every night watching Nick at Nite. I love reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Home Improvement.
7. I'm the godmother to a beautiful almost 8 month old baby girl named Brianna Elizabeth Keasler. I love her and her mommy so much!
8. I love grilled onions, squash, and or zucchini. Any man I marry needs to love them too because I'm going to cook them a lot.
9. I don't do caffeine. The only caffeine I've had in over a year is mainly a little bit of chocolate.
10. I have a beautiful beagle puppy named Gracie. She's hyper and all-puppy, but I love her so much!
11. None of my best friends live in the same county as I do (right now). Amanda is living in Central for school, but will be home after May. LeeAnn lives in Princeton which is like 1 hour away. Lauren lives 7 1/2 hours away in St. Augustine, Florida. Elizabeth lives in Greenwood approximately 1 1/2 hours away. Ahhh... I miss my girls.
12. My first kiss was on a school bus in 10th grade. After he kissed me I told him to go back to his seat. He was totally surprised that I didn't want him to sit there anymore and that I didn't want to kiss him again... haha.
13. I wanted to be a Broadway singer when I was in middle school and high school. I LOVE musicals and would have loved to have been able to star in one. Some of my fave musicals are Rent, The Sound of Music, Hairspray, and Les Miserables.
Here are just a few prayer requests...
1. My Momma. She just had her hip replaced and is doing extremely well. It's still going to be a long journey so we still need some prayer.
2. My job hunt. I found a job I really, really, really want. I feel like it's what God is calling me to do. I've applied and now I am just waiting on a response from the company. I just need to pray for God's guidance as I continue my search.
3. My brother's college decision. David has to decide between 2 great schools — North Greenville University and Samford University. Just pray that he depends on God for direction.
4. My church. We recently got a new pastor at my church. Rev. Scott Stancil started on Easter Sunday. I can tell that God truly has blessed our church with an awesome, Godly man.
By His Grace.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
"Congrats on Your New Addition"
On Friday, March 28th, my momma had total hip replacement surgery. The surgery went great. She hasn't been in much pain and as soon as she starts to feel pain, it's time to take a lortab. She has a new metal ball and socket coated in plastic in her hip. David and I got her some flowers for her room. I wanted to find a card that said "Congrats on your new addition," but I didn't find one. Now whenever she walks through metal detectors, they should beep. I spent the night with her on Friday night. I felt like I had a newborn baby. I was waking up at least every 2 hours because the nurses came to check on her and sometimes I would wakeup because the IV machine started beeping. Momma was able to share her faith with a lot of the nurses. She told them that God was the reason she made it though the surgery. She said she had prayed that God would show off. Momma came home today and luckily we have a hospital bed she can lounge in. (My granddad had one when he was terminally ill.) She's able to walk with a walker, but it's very tiring and time consuming. Please pray that she continues to heal well. It's still a long journey.
By His Grace.
By His Grace.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
I remembered! (but I almost forgot!)

Thirteen Things I Did This Week
one:. Well of course I worked. Unfortunatly, that's something I have to do.
two:. I looked for a job. I check craigslist and like crazy.
three:. Tuesday night I went to Gap Creek Singers. GCS is a community choir my mom and I are in. We sing a lot of religious and show tunes. I love it.
four:. Wednesday night I went to church. I keep nursery on Wednesday nights and teach mission friends. I have some of the best 3, 4 and 5 year olds!
five:. Tonight I helped kick off Disciple Now Weekend with the youth at my church. We had a value menu social. We had to dress tacky and had items off the value dollar menu for supper. We had Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers from Wendys, french fries, and apple pies from McDonald's. We danced to oldies and goofed off. It was a lot of fun.
six:. On Wednesday during work LeeAnn came to see me and bring me new pictures of Brianna. She's the most precious thing ever. I'll have to post some new ones of her on here.
seven:. On Sunday I went to church and then went out to eat with some of my friends for lunch and supper like we do every Sunday. We have such a great time socializing with each other. It's great to be able to fellowship with other Christians.
eight:. On Wednesday I overslept for work. I usually leave my house at 8 for work, but I ended up waking up at 8. Luckily my company is VERY laid back and it was fine that I was 10 or so minutes late.
nine:. On Monday I watched TV with my family. We have so much fun watching Deal or No Deal together. I love that show and we try to predict what's going to happen.
ten:. I went with my mom to Aldi on Monday. That place has a lot of good stuff.
eleven:. I bought some Starburst jellybeans. They are the best!
twelve:. I got a message on Myspace from someone I hadn't talked to in a long time. Kinda unexpected.
thirteen:. I spent some time singing with David and Ricky after church Sunday night. Ricky has an uh-maze-ing voice. It's like something that can just melt your heart it's so good. My brother does have the piano playing skills though.
Can you tell it's been hard thinking of thirteen things? I probably bored you to tears. Have a great Friday and weekend!

Thirteen Things I Did This Week
one:. Well of course I worked. Unfortunatly, that's something I have to do.
two:. I looked for a job. I check craigslist and like crazy.
three:. Tuesday night I went to Gap Creek Singers. GCS is a community choir my mom and I are in. We sing a lot of religious and show tunes. I love it.
four:. Wednesday night I went to church. I keep nursery on Wednesday nights and teach mission friends. I have some of the best 3, 4 and 5 year olds!
five:. Tonight I helped kick off Disciple Now Weekend with the youth at my church. We had a value menu social. We had to dress tacky and had items off the value dollar menu for supper. We had Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers from Wendys, french fries, and apple pies from McDonald's. We danced to oldies and goofed off. It was a lot of fun.
six:. On Wednesday during work LeeAnn came to see me and bring me new pictures of Brianna. She's the most precious thing ever. I'll have to post some new ones of her on here.
seven:. On Sunday I went to church and then went out to eat with some of my friends for lunch and supper like we do every Sunday. We have such a great time socializing with each other. It's great to be able to fellowship with other Christians.
eight:. On Wednesday I overslept for work. I usually leave my house at 8 for work, but I ended up waking up at 8. Luckily my company is VERY laid back and it was fine that I was 10 or so minutes late.
nine:. On Monday I watched TV with my family. We have so much fun watching Deal or No Deal together. I love that show and we try to predict what's going to happen.
ten:. I went with my mom to Aldi on Monday. That place has a lot of good stuff.
eleven:. I bought some Starburst jellybeans. They are the best!
twelve:. I got a message on Myspace from someone I hadn't talked to in a long time. Kinda unexpected.
thirteen:. I spent some time singing with David and Ricky after church Sunday night. Ricky has an uh-maze-ing voice. It's like something that can just melt your heart it's so good. My brother does have the piano playing skills though.
Can you tell it's been hard thinking of thirteen things? I probably bored you to tears. Have a great Friday and weekend!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Saturday Sixteen
My brother checked out my blog and made fun of me for being such a slacker. I'm trying to do better, but I'm a busy girl. I was so planning on posting on Thursday because I wanted to do a Thursday Thirteen like some of my friends do. Guess what... I forgot. Thursday totally came and went. So today I'm going to be creative and do a Saturday Sixteen post. Hopefully next week I'll remember to post on Thursday.
Without any further adieu... Saturday Sixteen.
Sixteen Things which I am Thankful for...
(in no particular order)
1. I'm thankful for my Jesus. Without Him there would be nothing to be thankful for. There would be nothing to live for. There would be nothing... nothing at all.
2. Obviously I'm thankful for my family and friends. They raise me up when I'm feeling down. They give me a shoulder to cry on. They make me laugh so hard I almost pee in my pants. I love them so dearly, I don't know what I would do without them.
3. I'm thankful for TV episodes online. I LOVE Big Brother and One Tree Hill. I'm so thankful I can catch up on episodes I've missed online so I can stay up to date on what's going on.
4. I'm thankful for TV on DVD. I have all 10 seasons of Friends on DVD and the first season of One Tree Hill. I didn't start watching One Tree Hill until this season (season 5) so I have a lot of catching up to do. I also love the fact there are no commercials.
5. I'm thankful for Saturdays I don't have to work. I LOVE sleeping late. I'm a happy girl when I can sleep past 10 in the morning.
6. I'm thankful for wireless internet. I remember having dialup and only being able to be online for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. I wasn't supposed to stay on longer than a certain amount of time, but I always stayed on later. I also remember getting cable internet and having the cords running all over the house. I love not being restricted to a certain area with my laptop.
7. I'm thankful for my digital camera. I LOVE taking pictures wherever I go. They capture so many memories.
8. I'm thankful for toilet paper. Wouldn't you hate having to use leaves? I'm so thankful for that two-ply roll.
9. I'm thankful for my flip flops. They're easy to just slip on and you're out the door. I'm South Carolina they can be worn year-round and I love that!
10. I'm thankful for Anderson University. If I wouldn't have gotten accepted there, I never would have met some of the best friends ever. I thank God every day for sending me to school there.
11. I'm thankful for cell phones and cable telephone. If I lived in the time before cell phones and unlimited nationwide calling, I'd never be able to keep in contact with my friends.
12. I'm thankful for music. Ever since I was born, music has been a vital part of my life. My momma has been singing to me since I was in the womb. Music is so inspirational.
13. I'm thankful for service people: policemen, firemen, doctors, soldiers. Ever since I was robbed, I've become even more thankful for those people who work to keep us safe. I'm so glad they're there for us.
14. I'm thankful for Reeces Pieces. Peanut butter in a hard, crunchy shell. Enough said.
15. I'm thankful for my church. They're my family. They're there for you when you need them and love you no matter what.
16. I'm thankful for memories. I miss my grandparents and friends from the past, but thankfully the memories are there to help keep the people there with you.
So here's my first ever Saturday Sixteen. I hope you enjoy. I'm thankful for you.
By His Grace.
Without any further adieu... Saturday Sixteen.
Sixteen Things which I am Thankful for...
(in no particular order)
1. I'm thankful for my Jesus. Without Him there would be nothing to be thankful for. There would be nothing to live for. There would be nothing... nothing at all.
2. Obviously I'm thankful for my family and friends. They raise me up when I'm feeling down. They give me a shoulder to cry on. They make me laugh so hard I almost pee in my pants. I love them so dearly, I don't know what I would do without them.
3. I'm thankful for TV episodes online. I LOVE Big Brother and One Tree Hill. I'm so thankful I can catch up on episodes I've missed online so I can stay up to date on what's going on.
4. I'm thankful for TV on DVD. I have all 10 seasons of Friends on DVD and the first season of One Tree Hill. I didn't start watching One Tree Hill until this season (season 5) so I have a lot of catching up to do. I also love the fact there are no commercials.
5. I'm thankful for Saturdays I don't have to work. I LOVE sleeping late. I'm a happy girl when I can sleep past 10 in the morning.
6. I'm thankful for wireless internet. I remember having dialup and only being able to be online for 20 to 30 minutes at a time. I wasn't supposed to stay on longer than a certain amount of time, but I always stayed on later. I also remember getting cable internet and having the cords running all over the house. I love not being restricted to a certain area with my laptop.
7. I'm thankful for my digital camera. I LOVE taking pictures wherever I go. They capture so many memories.
8. I'm thankful for toilet paper. Wouldn't you hate having to use leaves? I'm so thankful for that two-ply roll.
9. I'm thankful for my flip flops. They're easy to just slip on and you're out the door. I'm South Carolina they can be worn year-round and I love that!
10. I'm thankful for Anderson University. If I wouldn't have gotten accepted there, I never would have met some of the best friends ever. I thank God every day for sending me to school there.
11. I'm thankful for cell phones and cable telephone. If I lived in the time before cell phones and unlimited nationwide calling, I'd never be able to keep in contact with my friends.
12. I'm thankful for music. Ever since I was born, music has been a vital part of my life. My momma has been singing to me since I was in the womb. Music is so inspirational.
13. I'm thankful for service people: policemen, firemen, doctors, soldiers. Ever since I was robbed, I've become even more thankful for those people who work to keep us safe. I'm so glad they're there for us.
14. I'm thankful for Reeces Pieces. Peanut butter in a hard, crunchy shell. Enough said.
15. I'm thankful for my church. They're my family. They're there for you when you need them and love you no matter what.
16. I'm thankful for memories. I miss my grandparents and friends from the past, but thankfully the memories are there to help keep the people there with you.
So here's my first ever Saturday Sixteen. I hope you enjoy. I'm thankful for you.
By His Grace.
Monday, March 03, 2008
change is in the air
Wow... 2 months since I last posted. I really am bad at this.
Well since I last posted, I spent a week in Florida for my best friend's wedding. She was such a beautiful bride. I'm so happy for her.

Sometimes I wish I lived in Florida, but then I remember I never want to be that far away from my family. I love St. Augustine. It's so great there. Here are some more pictures from the wedding.

Well on another happy note, my friends Brian and Lindsey finally got engaged on Valentine's Day. They've dated for like 7 or 8 years. I get to be in their wedding on November 15th. Yay!
On a sad note, Cox CustomMedia announced at a company meeting today that the company has been bought and they are closing our company. All of our accounts are moving to Kansas City, Kansas. The company will be closed in approximately 120 days, but they're going to start letting people go as early as May 1st. This really just stinks. I've been there 8 months and know what? I'm still a temp. They could have hired me 3 to 4 months ago, but for some reason kept putting it off. Now the company is closing and I don't get the severance pay everyone else is getting. What really stinks is that a couple people were hired on about a week ago and they get the severance package, but I've been there 8 months and I don't get jack squat. Can you tell I'm a little bitter about this? I hate looking for jobs! It's back to square one. I'm going to try not to take the temp route. I just hate being a temp. It makes you feel so inferior. Well just pray for the people of my company and myself. I just don't know what I'm going to do.
By His Grace.
Well since I last posted, I spent a week in Florida for my best friend's wedding. She was such a beautiful bride. I'm so happy for her.

Sometimes I wish I lived in Florida, but then I remember I never want to be that far away from my family. I love St. Augustine. It's so great there. Here are some more pictures from the wedding.

Well on another happy note, my friends Brian and Lindsey finally got engaged on Valentine's Day. They've dated for like 7 or 8 years. I get to be in their wedding on November 15th. Yay!

By His Grace.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Just a little update...
I'm sitting in my lovely cubicle at work and I'm out of work. Production is always so slow at the beginning of the month and the two people who can give me work have unfortunately gone to lunch. Needless to say, I decided to blog.
So I'm back to being slacker of the year with this whole blogging thing. I normally don't make new year's resolutions, but maybe one of mine should be to update my blog more regularly. I have some friends who update daily and for some reason I just can't get myself to do that.
Christmas was great. I love getting to see my family and the time off from work was nice. Even though it was only a couple of days for Christmas and a couple for New Years. I also got a new camera since my last one was unfortunately "jacked up" as my brother says. One of the highlights of the Christmas season was the time I was able to spend with some of my closest friends. On New Year's Eve, my friends Elizabeth, LeeAnn and baby Brianna, and Jessica all came over to my house for lunch. Jessica had to leave to take care of her sick mother, but LeeAnn and Liz stayed and we played with the baby. Brianna is getting so big! She can hold her head up so well and she even reaches for objects! She's so beautiful and I love her so much! I'll have to post some new pictures when I'm on my computer at home. We can't access Myspace at work so I'm not able to get the pictures.
Around 8:15 on New Year's Eve night, I got together with the gang from church. Lindsey, Brian, Chad, Jennifer, Amanda, David, Ricky and I went out to eat at Kanpai of Tokyo in Spartanburg and then back to Chad and Jennifer's "summer home" in Lyman. We played Wii and Halo until 3 in the morning. It was so much fun! I want a Wii so bad!
And on that note, their lunch break is over. It's time to get back to work...
By His Grace.
So I'm back to being slacker of the year with this whole blogging thing. I normally don't make new year's resolutions, but maybe one of mine should be to update my blog more regularly. I have some friends who update daily and for some reason I just can't get myself to do that.
Christmas was great. I love getting to see my family and the time off from work was nice. Even though it was only a couple of days for Christmas and a couple for New Years. I also got a new camera since my last one was unfortunately "jacked up" as my brother says. One of the highlights of the Christmas season was the time I was able to spend with some of my closest friends. On New Year's Eve, my friends Elizabeth, LeeAnn and baby Brianna, and Jessica all came over to my house for lunch. Jessica had to leave to take care of her sick mother, but LeeAnn and Liz stayed and we played with the baby. Brianna is getting so big! She can hold her head up so well and she even reaches for objects! She's so beautiful and I love her so much! I'll have to post some new pictures when I'm on my computer at home. We can't access Myspace at work so I'm not able to get the pictures.
Around 8:15 on New Year's Eve night, I got together with the gang from church. Lindsey, Brian, Chad, Jennifer, Amanda, David, Ricky and I went out to eat at Kanpai of Tokyo in Spartanburg and then back to Chad and Jennifer's "summer home" in Lyman. We played Wii and Halo until 3 in the morning. It was so much fun! I want a Wii so bad!
And on that note, their lunch break is over. It's time to get back to work...
By His Grace.
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