Thirteen Things I Did This Week
one:. Well of course I worked. Unfortunatly, that's something I have to do.
two:. I looked for a job. I check craigslist and careerbuilder.com like crazy.
three:. Tuesday night I went to Gap Creek Singers. GCS is a community choir my mom and I are in. We sing a lot of religious and show tunes. I love it.
four:. Wednesday night I went to church. I keep nursery on Wednesday nights and teach mission friends. I have some of the best 3, 4 and 5 year olds!
five:. Tonight I helped kick off Disciple Now Weekend with the youth at my church. We had a value menu social. We had to dress tacky and had items off the value dollar menu for supper. We had Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers from Wendys, french fries, and apple pies from McDonald's. We danced to oldies and goofed off. It was a lot of fun.
six:. On Wednesday during work LeeAnn came to see me and bring me new pictures of Brianna. She's the most precious thing ever. I'll have to post some new ones of her on here.
seven:. On Sunday I went to church and then went out to eat with some of my friends for lunch and supper like we do every Sunday. We have such a great time socializing with each other. It's great to be able to fellowship with other Christians.
eight:. On Wednesday I overslept for work. I usually leave my house at 8 for work, but I ended up waking up at 8. Luckily my company is VERY laid back and it was fine that I was 10 or so minutes late.
nine:. On Monday I watched TV with my family. We have so much fun watching Deal or No Deal together. I love that show and we try to predict what's going to happen.
ten:. I went with my mom to Aldi on Monday. That place has a lot of good stuff.
eleven:. I bought some Starburst jellybeans. They are the best!
twelve:. I got a message on Myspace from someone I hadn't talked to in a long time. Kinda unexpected.
thirteen:. I spent some time singing with David and Ricky after church Sunday night. Ricky has an uh-maze-ing voice. It's like something that can just melt your heart it's so good. My brother does have the piano playing skills though.
Can you tell it's been hard thinking of thirteen things? I probably bored you to tears. Have a great Friday and weekend!