Friday, April 11, 2008

Following God's Will

Trying to figure out God's will for your life and following it can sometimes be hard to do. As most of you know I'm currently in the process of looking for a new job since my company is closing and my last day at CCM is April 30th. I have been offered a new job (YAY!) and it's something I've always wanted to do. I'm going to be a therapist that works with autistic children. I guess I feel like God is calling me to work with children, but is it just me or do you ever second guess what you think God is trying to tell you? I wish I was given a huge sign that said "This is the job for you." Just put a big piece of poster board in front of my face and let me know what's going on. I'm so happy I got this job and I do truly feel like this is what I'm being called to do. I know I just need to pray more for direction and guidance, but sometimes things are just so confusing.

My other problem is this new company wants me to start sooner than later. If I stay at CCM til April 30th, I'll receive this huge severance package. Starting out at this new job will be a pay cut for the first few months so I feel as if I need this severance package. I just hope I can get the new company to let me start on May 1st. I just need a lot of prayer. I hate confrontation especially when it concerns a job.

On a totally random note, I never knew how much I would enjoy the Harry Potter books. I'm currently over halfway through the 4th book- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I listen to them on Itures while I work (someone I work with has all of them on their Itunes library). I'm just so into them it's funny. I can't wait to get through all of them.

I'll keep you posted on what happens with the new job.

By His Grace

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